Jackson got another big boy haircut from our favorite hair dresser, Miss Katie.
Jackson can now distinguish between red and blue...referring to them half of the time as "Elmo" and "Thomas". Ha! He repeats a lot of what we say (he is VERY observant). And his vocabulary grows by a good 10 words every day. It has grown so much, I have trouble putting everything in to a list anymore. And when I think I have a complete list, he says something new. Most anything he wants to communicate, he can now.
His play has become more sophisticated, too. He loves to play trains and cars and will dance to just about everything. Miss Brandy says at daycare he is right in the middle of it all running around with the other kids and wrestling with them. In fact, the past couple of times I have gone to pick him up, he doesn't want to leave!
He still loves his brother (still called "baby") more than ever. Though he is finally learning to be gentle with him and not smoother him when he wants to give hugs.
He is really the sweetest little guy. He is helpful, well behaved, and is generous with his affections to those with whom is familiar. He does not demand constant attention, but enjoys it when his favorite people play with him.
I feel truly lucky to have two wonderful, sweet children. I couldn't be more in love...
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