Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Wild One

SO how has that sweet Samuel been since bringing him home?

Well, let me tell you... I was so nervous about how Samuel's temperament would be. Jackson was and is such a well-behaved, easy child. I was told by more than 1 person (to say the least) that Samuel would be a wild child - totally opposite of Jackson - because "no one has two good babies". Right. To quote my friend Katherine, "I was terrified of my own child"! Well, I wasn't terrified, per se, but I was certainly nervous! Had I been spoiled by a perfect first child? Could this sweet face be the beginning of my downfall?

After nearly 4 weeks of getting to know this so-called "wild child", I can tell you that he is just as good as Jackson was. He is definitely his own little person. For instance, Jackson loved to be held and rocked and sung to. Samuel has his moments of wanting to be held and rocked and sung to, but generally he prefers to be left alone in order to fall asleep. Jackson fell asleep E-VER-Y TIME he nursed. Samuel doesn't. Samuel has consistently slept 3 - 4 hour stretches at night since I brought him home. I recall having a greater feeling of sleep deprivation with Jackson, but my body wasn't used to it. I don't feel nearly as tired - most of my tiredness comes from taking care of a newborn and a toddler every day than the broken sleep. I still take a 30 - 60 minute nap everyday, but it wasn't anything like the "sleep when baby sleeps" routine I had going on with Jackson.

I am able to work with Samuel attached to the front of me without any problems just as I did with Jackson.

Here's something else: Jackson's umbilical chord fell off when he was 5 days old. Samuel still has his. Yes, nearly 4 weeks old and STILL has his umbilical chord. The poor baby has never experienced a true bath. He gets a sponge bath every night, but I can't wait to give him a true bath!

I haven't had any breastfeeding troubles. Samuel is a voracious eater. He does suck in a lot of air and if he isn't burped probably he suffers from gas. I learned that the hard way. Jackson was a spitter. Samuel has yet to make me smell like sour milk.

Samuel had his first doctor's appointment when he was 1 week old. He was doing so well that we were told to skip his one month well check and wait for his two month.

When Samuel was born he weighed 7 lbs 15 oz
At discharge he weighed 7 lbs 9 oz
At 1 week old he weighed 8 lbs 1 oz
And at 3 weeks he weighed 9 lbs 4.8 oz

Samuel is SO strong. Almost from the day he was born, he was holding his head up.

Samuel is becoming more aware with each passing day. I love it when his big blue eyes are opened and checking things out.

But more often than not he is napping. And I enjoy watching him sleep and cuddling with my sleeping beautiful boy. I think I realize the need to enjoy this stage more because it goes so fast and soon there is too much to explore to snuggle with Mommy.

I can't say that this is an "official" first smile, but one day while Samuel and I were playing he started smiling at me. This was what I was able to capture on my iPhone...he's 2 Weeks 5 Days here.

I have had many people comment on whether he does look like Jackson or he doesn't look like Jackson... I can't decide. Sometimes he does and sometimes I just don't see it. However... when you put a picture of 3 week Samuel and 3 week Jackson together, you can definitely see the similarities!
Here is Jackson:

And here is Samuel:

I am amazed by how much love a Mother's heart can hold. I was anxious about whether I could ever love another child like I loved my first born. And you know soon as Samuel was born, I loved him as much as Jackson. It was equal. It was complete. And it wasn't hard. It was easy. It was love at first sight.


Dec 15, 2010 - The Day Samuel Was Born

5 Days Old

1 Week 5 Days Old

2 Weeks 1 Day Old

3 Weeks 5 Days Old

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