Here is Jackson the day Samuel was born.
When Jackson and my mom came to pick Samuel and me up from the hospital, Jackson had on a Santa hat. I felt like Jackson Claus had come to take me home.
Jackson made a gingerbread house at daycare before the Christmas break. I was so proud of him! Miss Brandy said he would put on a candy, then eat one, put one on, then eat one... that's Nana's grandson!
Jackson has proven to be quite the little musician. He loves to sit at the piano and play - not banging with a full hand like toddlers usually do, but one finger at a time.
He also sings and dances constantly. He will dance to anything. And by anything, I literally mean an-y-thing. Of course, it makes my heart glad that he likes music and the arts!
Despite the devastating losses the Colts have endured this season, we still love them. Have you seen a cuter Colts fan?
Since Dada has been gone, Jackson misses him and he loves talking to Dada on Skype (me, too)! Jackson found this old picture of us and carried it around all morning!
Jackson loves his trains. It's the first thing he plays with in the morning and the last thing at night. He uses the shopping cart he got for Christmas to tote all his trains and cars around.
Jackson loves to read. He reads to himself, to other people, and loves being read to. See how he reads this book and imitates the pictures?
Exciting news: we are in the beginning stages of potty training! I can't wait to only have to worry about changing one diapered bottom. We got him a new Elmo potty and potty book. He practices sitting on his new potty, but only fully clothed. He does go in to the bathroom on occasion to potty in his diaper... at least he knows that that room is where that is suppose to happen! Progress...
For a while, Jackson's eating habits had become somewhat picky. At one point, he would only eat grilled cheese, macaroni and cheese, pizza, french fries, occasionally chicken, string cheese, waffles, and yogurt. Fortunately, he has been expanding his tastes and will now eat a wider variety of foods including Almond Butter, Mandarin Oranges, Dave's Mom's Chicken, Toasted Ham and Turkey Sandwiches and pretty much anything else as long as he can dip it in Ketchup or Cheese Sauce. On the day on which the following pictures was taken, I made Jackson grilled cheese, pretzels, and mandarin oranges for lunch. He ate the oranges first, then the pretzels, then asked for more oranges. He proceeded to eat half the tin of mandarin oranges and say "all done". He didn't touch one piece of the grilled cheese. Be still my heart...
Jackson has also taken up the activity of running. Fast. Everywhere. And it's even better if he can push something while he's running.
Jackson's vocabulary has just blossomed. To the already extensive list, he's added:
Bo Bo Balls (Donut Balls)
Oel (Noel)
Thank you
Abby (you know...Elmo's friend)
Let's Go
Brush Teeth
All Done
Thomas (now actually sounds like Thomas)
Percy (you know...Thomas's friend)
See Ya
Hi Sweet Pea
It's okay
Go Colts!
Wow (most commonly said when we turn on his constellation night light)
And I am sure there are some that I've forgotten.
He can sing his ABC's up to "lmnop" and count to two.
But you have to be careful what you say around him because he will repeat it. He is a little parrot!
Some of my favorite Jackson stories from the past couple of weeks:
I went to pick him up from daycare last week and Brandy had on AOL radio tuned to the kid's channel. It was the Chipmunks singing "I Gotta Feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas and all of the kids were dancing including Jackson. They were having so much fun!
You'll notice in the word list that Jackson says "Hi Sweet Pea". I call him Sweet Pea and he has started calling me Sweet Pea as well. It is adorable.
And in the mornings when we go in his room to wake him up, he greets us with an enthusiastic "hi"!
Jackson has an Old MacDonald farmer with his new farm set. He refers to Old MacDonald as "EIEIO".
Luckily, the sickness seems to have left our household for the time being (knocking on wood as we speak). David started giving him Vitamin C and Immunity Boosting Vitamins while he was here which I've kept up in his absence, and I haven't so much as wiped his nose since before Christmas. YAY!!
Jackson is such a good big brother. He throws away dirty diapers and helps me burp Samuel. He hasn't had any real moments of jealousy and remains a good natured, easy child. He is growing up before my eyes and in just a few short months, he'll be two.
I love you Sweet Pea!
Almost 21 months old
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