Saturday, October 31, 2009
They All Laughed
Week 27 and doing great!
The week started off a bit down... last Sunday, Jackson woke up with a runny nose and had his first little fever. We didn't know whether to attribute it to teething or his first little cold. I am thinking cold because on Wednesday I woke up with a sore throat, runny nose and feeling like crap-ola. Luckily, Jackson awoke Monday morning bright eyed and fever/snot free. I attribute that to awesome Mommy Milk.
Monday I had my first Aqua Aerobics class in the morning. That is harder than it looks! It was me and 10 old ladies and they were powering along... I was out of breath! I loved it though. When I got home we evaluated Jackson's mood and health and he was as happy as ever so I went ahead and took him to GymbaROO.
This week's theme was "ball" so we took his little ball that Nana and Bapa bought him. He loves that ball. We sit on the floor and roll it back and forth almost daily. He saw his little girlfriend, Candice. They played in the big ball tub together and hugged and held hands. Jackson stroked her hair and tried to eat her hand. I told him he had to buy her dinner first.
Monday night was quite interesting. Jackson wasn't interested in a before-bed breastfeed. About 45 minutes after going to bed, he started SCREAMING! Inconsolable...this just wasn't like him. It took a good 25 minutes to calm him down... he still wouldn't take my breast. Assuming I was dealing with a teething baby, we tried a frozen banana and baby teething gel with no luck. Finally, I was able to rock and sing him back to sleep. 45 minutes later... the same thing. SCREAMING! I walked him around the house and eventually rocked him back to sleep. I was preparing for a long night, but he ended up sleeping until about 8 the next morning. So I started thinking back... I started him on oatmeal Friday morning, just one ice block. All weekend he had these MASSIVE poos...the kind where you have to put him under the shower to clean him off. Horrible massive messy things... and he started spitting up through his nose. On Monday for breakfast, David gave him 2 blocks of oatmeal... and then I started wondering if he had a sensitivity to oatmeal. So I immediately stopped the oatmeal and no more messy poos, no more spitting up through the nose, and no more screaming. I am guessing he could be sensitive to gluten. But I'll give him oatmeal again next week to see if the same things happen. And if it was teething... we still don't have any teeth. Hmpf!
On Tuesday was another swimming lesson. He had a substitute teacher who really pushed him to kick and be independent in the water. He did really well much to my surprise. I really shouldn't have been surprised... he wants to try everything and really gives things a good go. I hope he carries that through life! I got a couple of pictures... again, not of him in the water because I had to be in with him. But here we are at the pool, pre-swim:
And here is the post-swim shot:
I have FINALLY gotten some giggles on camera. He started giggling Friday evening when we were playing peekaboo and I got some more from the same game on Saturday. Isn't it funny how babies can turn you into the biggest fool just to get a giggle? Still not belly laughs, but very cute! And very infectious :)
He has also figured out how to bounce his ExerSaucer by "jumping" up and down...
Jackson reaches for everything, wants to touch everything, wants to put everything in his mouth, and loves playing. He was able to enjoy some quality daddy time this week while I taught. He loves his Daddy Chair:
New foods this week: Pears, Bananas, and Green Bean. After trying for 3 nights to give him peas I have finally resigned myself to the fact that he just doesn't like them. He is his Nana's grandson. That won't stop me, however, by trying to mask them with pears (it ISN'T trickery, Mom... it's all in the presentation). I spent all Friday afternoon making baby food - more rice cereal and sweet potato, and adding pumpkin and applesauce to the menu. We are currently on 2 meals a day with 2 ice cube blocks of food at each meal. Morning meal typically consists of rice cereal and bananas or pears. And the evening meal of sweet potato and carrots or green beans.
29 Days until we leave for the U S of A! We can't wait to see those people who love us so much in Henderson KY!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Bang On The Drum All Day
We had a lot of birthdays this week...
First, Jackson turned 26 Weeks Old
Then Jackson turned 6 Months Old
And then Daddy had a birthday!
Daddy didn't have a birthday checkup, but Jackson did: He is a happy and healthy baby weighing in at 7.45kg (16.5lbs in the 25%); he is 67.5cm long (26.5in in the 50%) and his head circumference is 43cm (17in in the 25%). So he's little, but cute!
It's been an exciting week! We started back to GymbaROO on Monday where the theme was "truck". We, of course, had to go out and buy a toy truck on Monday morning because we didn't have one in the house. His favorite part of GymbaROO is still the parachute. But much to our delight, they had the tub of balls out this week so he and another little girl called Candice played in there during the playtime. Candice had lots of hair, too, so they formed the "Lots Of Hair Club".
Jackson also started swim lessons this past week. We got to the pool a half hour early so I could get my bearings (change room, teacher, what the other babies where wearing, etc). After we got changed, we sat by the pool and watched the class before ours. I have never heard Jackson talk so much! He was so excited to get in! When we finally got in the pool, he wasn't scared at all. He was quite the little fish. He kicked and doggie paddled (I didn't even know he knew how to do that). He put his face under, swam after the toys, and if I weren't fast enough he complained about it. He quickly learned how to splash. He wore floaties on his arm on one around his waist. His teacher, Miss Paula, came around near the end of the lesson and took off his flotation devices in order to do the main bit - she teaches them to swim towards the wall if they fall in. So she sat Jackson up on the wall and then gently dunked him under, turned him around and took him to the wall. He only cried a bit when water got up his nose, but was back to splashing around in no time. We are excited to go back next week.
I didn't get any pictures of him in the pool as I had to be in there with him. But I'll try to get Miss Paula to hold him this week so I can get a picture of him. I did get a picture of him afterward... this is right before he crashed out...I have never seen him sleep so HARD!
We have had lots of tummy time this week. Jackson has figured out how to push up onto his hands. We don't think it'll be long before he's crawling. But who knows because he rolls sometimes by accident, but still never on purpose.
We took advantage of the nice weather and spent a bit of time outside (before 10 and after 4, thank you Australian sun). Jackson thought the grass was so cool...and a little funny.
On Friday morning I taught Jackson how to bang on the pots and pans with a wooden spoon. At first he liked the wooden spoon because it was something new to put in his mouth. But once he saw how cool banging was, he had a ball!! I probably will regret this later, but we had fun banging the morning away.
New food for this week: Oatmeal (yum yum) and Peas. Next week we'll add pears and bananas. I have started him on two meals a day. He still breastfeeds 6 times a day or so. He now eats like a champ - more now goes in then comes out.
Jackson also got to experience a new babysitter this week. Mel is out of town for 4 weeks so Steph came over to look after him. He really liked her - she plays well!
AND I got an honest to goodness laugh Friday night! Without having to work too hard to get it! I was giving him a bath in the big bath tub and he was sitting up playing with his new bath toys (they squirt water).
I was squirting his belly when he started laughing which made me laugh which made him look at me like "What, Mom... what's so funny"... Of course, I squirted him until he got bored and stopped laughing, but it was absolutely delightful!
Countdown until we leave: 35 Days!
First, Jackson turned 26 Weeks Old
Then Jackson turned 6 Months Old
And then Daddy had a birthday!
Daddy didn't have a birthday checkup, but Jackson did: He is a happy and healthy baby weighing in at 7.45kg (16.5lbs in the 25%); he is 67.5cm long (26.5in in the 50%) and his head circumference is 43cm (17in in the 25%). So he's little, but cute!
It's been an exciting week! We started back to GymbaROO on Monday where the theme was "truck". We, of course, had to go out and buy a toy truck on Monday morning because we didn't have one in the house. His favorite part of GymbaROO is still the parachute. But much to our delight, they had the tub of balls out this week so he and another little girl called Candice played in there during the playtime. Candice had lots of hair, too, so they formed the "Lots Of Hair Club".
Jackson also started swim lessons this past week. We got to the pool a half hour early so I could get my bearings (change room, teacher, what the other babies where wearing, etc). After we got changed, we sat by the pool and watched the class before ours. I have never heard Jackson talk so much! He was so excited to get in! When we finally got in the pool, he wasn't scared at all. He was quite the little fish. He kicked and doggie paddled (I didn't even know he knew how to do that). He put his face under, swam after the toys, and if I weren't fast enough he complained about it. He quickly learned how to splash. He wore floaties on his arm on one around his waist. His teacher, Miss Paula, came around near the end of the lesson and took off his flotation devices in order to do the main bit - she teaches them to swim towards the wall if they fall in. So she sat Jackson up on the wall and then gently dunked him under, turned him around and took him to the wall. He only cried a bit when water got up his nose, but was back to splashing around in no time. We are excited to go back next week.
I didn't get any pictures of him in the pool as I had to be in there with him. But I'll try to get Miss Paula to hold him this week so I can get a picture of him. I did get a picture of him afterward... this is right before he crashed out...I have never seen him sleep so HARD!
We have had lots of tummy time this week. Jackson has figured out how to push up onto his hands. We don't think it'll be long before he's crawling. But who knows because he rolls sometimes by accident, but still never on purpose.
We took advantage of the nice weather and spent a bit of time outside (before 10 and after 4, thank you Australian sun). Jackson thought the grass was so cool...and a little funny.
On Friday morning I taught Jackson how to bang on the pots and pans with a wooden spoon. At first he liked the wooden spoon because it was something new to put in his mouth. But once he saw how cool banging was, he had a ball!! I probably will regret this later, but we had fun banging the morning away.
New food for this week: Oatmeal (yum yum) and Peas. Next week we'll add pears and bananas. I have started him on two meals a day. He still breastfeeds 6 times a day or so. He now eats like a champ - more now goes in then comes out.
Jackson also got to experience a new babysitter this week. Mel is out of town for 4 weeks so Steph came over to look after him. He really liked her - she plays well!
AND I got an honest to goodness laugh Friday night! Without having to work too hard to get it! I was giving him a bath in the big bath tub and he was sitting up playing with his new bath toys (they squirt water).
I was squirting his belly when he started laughing which made me laugh which made him look at me like "What, Mom... what's so funny"... Of course, I squirted him until he got bored and stopped laughing, but it was absolutely delightful!
Countdown until we leave: 35 Days!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Old McDonald Had A Farm
We are waving goodbye to week 25 and month 5!
This week we ate sweet potatoes... and they were a bit hit!!
We are also working on drinking water out of a cup/sippy cup. Jackson does better drinking straight out of the cup (with supervision of course) and is slowly getting the hang of the sippy cup. Right now he just gnaws on it.
Speaking of gnawing... no teeth yet. But close, I think! I can feel teeth bumps and the drooling is only getting worse...if that's possible.
We spent a day at Julian's house playing. And as always, Julian's toys are a lot more fun to play with than our own. Jackson LOVED Julian's Exersaucer.... we got one of our own the next day!
He can keep himself occupied in there for a good half hour. It has a lot of farm animal toys and a spinny seat and it even bounces! We think there should be a grown up version of this!
And Jackson's girlfriend/babysitter Mel gave him an Elmo chair. When you move in it is giggles and vibrates. David HATES it, but Jackson loves to rock in it and make it giggle.
I am sure Jackson said "Mama" tonight. It was either that or "Yum Yum" because we were eating rice cereal. And I couldn't get him to say it again... so maybe it was just a fluke. But I'll pretend like it was "Mama"...
Jackson recognizes his own name and will turn and look at you if you call for him. He also recognizes the words daddy and mommy and will look at us when we refer to the other. Randomly today, we noticed that he recognized David's ringtone! His ringtone on my phone is the guitar riff from Steely Dan's Kid Charlemagne. David called my phone so a friend of ours could hear the ringtone and Jackson looked at the phone and then David! Smart little guy!
We went today with the Keats' family to our favorite beach. It was cold and cloudy so we put a hat on Jackson but didn't bother with sunscreen. Stupid parents! Jackson now has his first sunburn... on his right arm and cheek. It was so stingy for him in the bath tonight. He cried a lot. We felt so bad. But I smothered him in aloe vera all afternoon and evening so hopefully it will be better in the morning. We learned our lesson...won't be going out of the house anymore without suncreen!
I didn't take lots of video this week so here is one from last week. Jackson LOVES to play the piano!
Next week I start back teaching and Jackson starts back to GymbaROO. AND Jackson is starting swim lessons on Tuesday! We also have his 6 month checkup. Busy week! If I can find some organic peas, we will start eating mushy peas (sorry Mom) and hopefully some nice banana towards the end of the week. Have a good one!!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Food Glorious Food
Week 24 marked a momentous occasion in Jackson's life. He started solids! So far we have tried rice cereal, avocado, and carrots. All organic, all homemade. He was so proud to be eating with a spoon and knew it was something special to be starting big boy food. Here's how the first bites went:
After four days of rice cereal and no adverse reactions, we moved on to avocado. I dutifully mashed it up and thinned it out with some breastmilk. I gave him his first bite and he just held it on his tongue and looked at me like "GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" then spit it out. Me, thinking that this was just him getting used to the new texture and flavor (and most of what he "eats" ends up on his bib anyway), gave him another two bites... the third one resulting in dry heaving!! It was hilarious! He obviously did NOT like the avocado. We will try again later when we can mix it with bananas or pears.
This brings us up to yesterday. I pureed some carrots and he LOVED those! He still is getting the hang of the whole swallowing thing, but he smiles after every bite. And he loves to help me with the spoon. After this morning's carrot brunch I put the remaining glob on his tray for him to explore.
Next week we'll try sweet potato and peas (don't gag, Mom). My friend, Allyson recommended a book called Super Baby Foods which I have ordered. I am anxiously waiting it's delivery. She also makes all of her own baby food for her daughter who is 3 months older than Jackson.
My first week of holidays has flown by. I have had a chance to catch up on a bit of housework and other things that I wanted to get done. And I have had a bit of a chance to reflect on my life. I came across this quote and it has really resonated in my head and heart:
"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body" -Elizabeth Stone
That's how it feels. It sounds a bit cliche, but I never knew I was capable of so much love until I looked at my tiny baby. Even when he was in my belly I had no clue. My life changed the moment he was born. I felt it. I love Jackson more than anything in the world - I pray every day that he will be safe and happy. He inspires me to be the best I can be and to look at even the little things with wonderment. I have also found a new appreciation for my family - my mom, dad, sister, nephew, grandparents, aunts, uncles... because I know that it is hard work raising a child, and they all played (and still play) a huge part in my life though I might not have realized it until now. I sincerely want Jackson to grow up feeling secure in the love that is his family now, too.
OK - Enough of the mush....
I bought Jackson a pair of baby sunglasses. He got the opportunity to wear them on the way to Sydney this past week. He was one cool cat....
He still enjoys sitting up and playing. I am loving that he appreciates all of his toys a lot more.
And just lately he prefers to use his feet to hold and pick up things.
Every day he does something new. David and I are constantly in amazement of his development physically and personality-wise. He has recently started recognizing his name. When we call out "Jackson" he turns and looks!
Last night I would say "Kisses For Mommy, Kisses For Mommy" and he would turn his head and suck on my cheek. Then I would give him kisses. This went on for a good 15 minutes.
And here is a new one. Don't know where he got this, but it is hilarious!!!!
I am still on holidays this week and hopefully the weather will be a bit nicer. It has been cold and damp so we haven't been able to spend as much time outside as I would have liked. This week we are having a picnic with Mel and celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary.
Only 50 more days till we leave for our Indiana visit!!
After four days of rice cereal and no adverse reactions, we moved on to avocado. I dutifully mashed it up and thinned it out with some breastmilk. I gave him his first bite and he just held it on his tongue and looked at me like "GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" then spit it out. Me, thinking that this was just him getting used to the new texture and flavor (and most of what he "eats" ends up on his bib anyway), gave him another two bites... the third one resulting in dry heaving!! It was hilarious! He obviously did NOT like the avocado. We will try again later when we can mix it with bananas or pears.
This brings us up to yesterday. I pureed some carrots and he LOVED those! He still is getting the hang of the whole swallowing thing, but he smiles after every bite. And he loves to help me with the spoon. After this morning's carrot brunch I put the remaining glob on his tray for him to explore.
Next week we'll try sweet potato and peas (don't gag, Mom). My friend, Allyson recommended a book called Super Baby Foods which I have ordered. I am anxiously waiting it's delivery. She also makes all of her own baby food for her daughter who is 3 months older than Jackson.
My first week of holidays has flown by. I have had a chance to catch up on a bit of housework and other things that I wanted to get done. And I have had a bit of a chance to reflect on my life. I came across this quote and it has really resonated in my head and heart:
"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body" -Elizabeth Stone
That's how it feels. It sounds a bit cliche, but I never knew I was capable of so much love until I looked at my tiny baby. Even when he was in my belly I had no clue. My life changed the moment he was born. I felt it. I love Jackson more than anything in the world - I pray every day that he will be safe and happy. He inspires me to be the best I can be and to look at even the little things with wonderment. I have also found a new appreciation for my family - my mom, dad, sister, nephew, grandparents, aunts, uncles... because I know that it is hard work raising a child, and they all played (and still play) a huge part in my life though I might not have realized it until now. I sincerely want Jackson to grow up feeling secure in the love that is his family now, too.
OK - Enough of the mush....
I bought Jackson a pair of baby sunglasses. He got the opportunity to wear them on the way to Sydney this past week. He was one cool cat....
He still enjoys sitting up and playing. I am loving that he appreciates all of his toys a lot more.
And just lately he prefers to use his feet to hold and pick up things.
Every day he does something new. David and I are constantly in amazement of his development physically and personality-wise. He has recently started recognizing his name. When we call out "Jackson" he turns and looks!
Last night I would say "Kisses For Mommy, Kisses For Mommy" and he would turn his head and suck on my cheek. Then I would give him kisses. This went on for a good 15 minutes.
And here is a new one. Don't know where he got this, but it is hilarious!!!!
I am still on holidays this week and hopefully the weather will be a bit nicer. It has been cold and damp so we haven't been able to spend as much time outside as I would have liked. This week we are having a picnic with Mel and celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary.
Only 50 more days till we leave for our Indiana visit!!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Little Wonders
What a big week here in the Bennett house!! Who knew week 23 would bring so many incredible milestones?!
Firstly, Jackson is officially sitting unaided! He gets so proud of himself when he is sitting. He plays a little and then looks to make sure David and I are paying attention and just SMILES!
On to milestone number 2 for the week: he had his first laugh last night! It was delightful! We have to work hard to get it out, but it was there. Hopefully I'll be able to catch a recording of it for next week's post. The best sound in the world!!
On Monday, Jackson and I went to do the weekly shopping. We used the shopping trolley with the baby capsule attached for the first time. He showed everyone who would look his feet (he is OBSESSED with them right now). I sure bought a cute baby at Wooly's!!
On Tuesday, Jackson and I went to the last GymbaROO session of this term. The theme this week was "bed". I took his Bed Book that we read every night. Again, he looked at the word "bed" like he knew what it was! So proud! And he cracked everyone up during parachute time. He was squealing so loudly and had his arms and legs up in the air. I love GymbaROO classes and can't wait until next term. He has grown so quickly over the 3 weeks we've been there. It has been good to learn exercises to help him develop and see him interact with other babies.
On Wednesday, we went to the mother and baby session at the movie theater with Bianca and Julian. We saw "Up!" (which I thoroughly enjoyed). It was nice because there were many moms and babies. They left the lights halfway up and turned the sound down. Moms were up rocking their babies and watching the movie. No one worried about the babies fussing. Jackson watched the first 15 minutes with me and then ate and went to sleep.
On Friday, Jackson was taking his nap in our BIG bed. After the last debacle with falling off the lounge I made sure he was the in CENTER of the bed. But alas, about a half hour after I left him to do work I hear screams. Again, he fell off the bed. I have NO CLUE how he got to the edge, but I think he might be waking up to practice rolling or something... or he is a good scootcher... or he can fly.... He was okay. Didn't cry as long this time (me or him)... good thing babies are resilient and bouncy!
In addition to sitting, Jackson has been practicing standing up. He is very good holding on to someone's fingers, but I am working with him to use furniture.
Jackson is finally starting to appreciate his toys. He has figured out that if he shakes his rattles, they will make noise.
We have started putting him to bed a half hour early. And he is now sleeping 11 - 12 hours at night.
And, Holly, this is karma. Do you remember how I used to put Myles' feet in his mouth? Well, Jackson just does this on his own. Everytime I look at him he has his feet in his mouth. HAHAHAHAHA! That's what I get!!
I think that is all from this week. I am officially on a two week break from teaching. It has been very rainy this weekend, but I am hoping it clears up so I can spend some well deserved time with Jackson outside! We leave for IN in 8 weeks from tomorrow. The countdown has officially begun! Stay tuned for next week's blog: Jackson is starting solids tomorrow! I have already used my Magic Bullet to grind organic brown rice in readiness for his first taste of rice cereal. We will probably try avocado at the end of the week as well. Have a good week!
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