I'm 7 Months Old (30 Weeks)! It's been such an eventful and exciting week! There is so much we want to share with you... but where to start...
Monday: GymbaROO. Theme: bowl. Trying desperately to crawl, but can't seem to get anywhere.
Tuesday: Swimming Lessons. He happily went underwater so many times I lost track! Lots of splashing and kicking and floating BY HIMSELF. And lots of kisses and cuddles for his teacher, Miss Paula. At the end of the lesson when Miss Paula works with each baby individually, for the first time she said "Swim to Mommy" and just let go of him and he wiggled and kicked and swam to me! I was only about 2 feet away, but it's something! I was as proud as punch! I even went in thinking it was going to be a waste of a half hour as there had been NO morning nap. Boy, was I wrong!
Speaking of naps, there has been a dramatic decrease in the amount of time the little bug sleeps during the day. It could possibly be because it is just too hot to nap here lately (104 degree days)! But he hasn't been cranky because of it. But as I speak, he has been asleep for 2.5 hours and counting. So who knows...
Wednesday we went to the Babes In Arms movie session with Bianca and Julian. The grownups watched "This Is It" - the Michael Jackson documentary. I wasn't ecstatic to see the movie going in, but left feeling absolutely awed by the talent of MJ and his surrounding musicians, dancers, and host of advisers. Jackson did well through the movie, playing in his own seat, taking a short nap, and then playing in my lap with my straw. I keep having to pinch myself "Is my Baby really this good??"
The week's biggest event happened before we left for the movies in the morning. I put Jackson down on his stomach on his playmat with a few of his toys. Then I went into the kitchen to wash the dishes. 2 minutes later when I peeked around the corner to check on him he had moved! And not just moved... MOVED! See for yourself:

Keep in mind... he started where his toys are placed at the top of the mat.
And here's a close up of what he was doing underneath the piano:

So I put him back and grabbed the video camera. Within a minute he was on the move again (stopping to play with the orange thing on the way). Here is how he did it:
Clever boy! And ever since he scootches everywhere. Not quite crawling and not quite forward, but he's mobile. He has also figured out how to get on his knees. If you're sitting down he will crawl all over you.
Thursday we went to the park early in the morning before my appointment. When I say early I mean 8:30... it was already HOT outside so we only spent about 15 minutes playing. Jackson enjoyed playing on the ladybug:

And the swings:

He is very curious about everything. And has to check everything out before he can officially begin to play.
He was very excited to see Mel again on Thursday night.
Friday was a STINKER of a day... 104 degrees F. So we headed down to the air conditioned shopping centre.
Saturday was still hot, but a bit better. We read a lot of books. David has been reading a book to Jackson before bed each night. So when we read yesterday afternoon, Jackson was keen to take pages in his own hands:

Saturday night when we were playing before bath time (as we usually do), Jackson got on his stomach and started blowing raspberries on my leg. It was hilarious... and yet again, the video camera came out (Lucky you! Two videos in one blog!):
Sunday we headed to Mt Sugarloaf for Julian's Naming Ceremony. It was another 104 degree day, but the ceremony was lovely.

Jackson was happy to see Julian. They like to give each other hugs and try to eat each others hands (as one does). Julian has one tooth. Jackson still doesn't have any. Julian, 1. Jackson, 0.

We also had an opportunity to explore a new toy: the jingle toy! Jackson loved shaking the be-jesus out of it. And in typical Jackson fashion, he plays with two toys: one toy with his hands (or more specifically, in his mouth) and one with his feet.

New foods this week include: Millet (it appears that there is no reaction to the gluten in Millet or Barley, so it must just be the oatmeal... we'll try it again in a couple of months) and Wholemeal Bread as a finger food. We have also gone from 2 cubes of food 2 meals a day to 3 cubes of food 2 meals a day. Jackson also drinks about 100ml (3oz) of water a day in addition to 6 breastfeeds. He's a growin' guy!
Only 1 week till we leave!! I have made lists, bought the necessary provisions, and prepared my mind for the flight(s) over. David has taken the entire week off to spend with us before we leave. I am excited that he'll be able to go to GymbaROO and swim lessons with us. And, weather permitting, we'll spend some days at the park as well.
Coming up this week: GymbaROO (theme: butterfly); Swimming Lessons; DATE NIGHT; dinner with the Keats; and a trip to Burning Mountain. There won't be any new food as I don't want any allergic reactions on the plane. I'm sure Jackson understands :)
One more blog to go. See ya soon!
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