29 Weeks Old and all's well with the world.
The week held the usual activities: GymbaROO (theme: bell) and Swimming Lessons (went under water more times than I could count and didn't cry once: SUCCESS!).
In GymbaROO we were practicing pushing off. All the other little babies were scootching along and Jackson was just sitting there watching them. Wouldn't move. Then all of a sudden he gets up on his hands and knees and tries to crawl forward. I scream "Oh my goodness Oh my goodness" and the teacher is going "He's going to crawl!"... but then he falls. He gave everyone a bit of excitement though! I don't think it'll be long now. He still won't roll over on his own (without it being an accident). I don't think he's found need to yet. But his arms are super strong: He can prop himself up on one arm:

And he jumps like a kangaroo in his Exersaucer. He sure takes after his mom and dad... wants to do everything HIS way and in HIS own time!
David gave me the morning off on Wednesday. I went to my Aqua Aerobics class, did a bit of window shopping and got a hair cut. He also did ALL the housework. And I mean ALLLLLLL of it. When I got home I had a clean house, laundry done, and here is how I found Jackson:

ALL TUCKERED OUT!! He had a good morning with his daddy. And I felt absolutely revitalized! Thank you, honey!!
What else did we do this week?
Giggled a lot. This little guy is TICK-L-ISH!

Napped. I love his post nap hair and eyes:

And generally had a grand ol' time. It was Steph's last week of babysitting for Jackson... Mel is back next week. Jackson LOVES Steph, too, and we're glad we have two reliable girls that take good care of him.

(This picture was unprompted...he just smiled for me...camera shy no more...)
And despite him not being one year old yet, we gave him his first haircut. He had a rats tail growing down his back and neither David nor I liked it very much. So after his bath Friday night, David did the quick snipparoo and voila...

Oh yeh - and he has started saying "Mama"! At first I thought it was just me hearing things and then David heard it, too. Jackson says it when he is upset and wants to be picked up. It is so sweet. He gets stuck on the first "M" and then goes for it "Mmmmmmmmmmama". He has been saying "da" and ba" a lot, too. I think he is practicing for "Dada" and "Bapa". He also came out with an "H" this morning (is this an "Aunt Holly" I hear coming?). No "Nana"s yet, but I am sure he is just saving that for the right moment.
Food this week included the usual staples (I'm still feeding him disguised peas, sorry Mom) plus pumpkin and barley. The barley was earlier this morning so we'll see how he goes with it the next couple of days to determine whether he is gluten sensitive or if it is just the oatmeal. His new favorite food is Pumpkin and Apple. He LOVES this...the first night I gave it to him he ate twice what he usually eats! He usually eats 2 cubes at each meal (breakfast and dinner). This week (on his 7 month birthday) I will start giving him 3 cubes at each meal. Besides the Barley, new foods this week will include Millet and a dash of cinnamon to spice things up. We also bought him some gluten free organic teething rusks for him to practice self feeding. He does well with them.
Coming this week: GymbaROO (theme: bowl), swimming lessons, Julian's naming celebration, and Jackson's 7 month birthday (how fast has that gone)!
14 days until we leave for the US of A. I went to the Baby Markets this morning and got some good deals on winter clothes. I even bought some small toys to surprise him with on the plane. Not long now!
Adieu for another week!
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