31 Weeks and counting! It was a challenging week for us here in the Bennett household...
Let's talk about sleep... something at which Jackson has always been so good... all of a sudden turned to POO! Sunday evening it was REALLY hot here. I mean REEEAAAALLY hot. And nobody wasn't happy about it. We ended up moving his cot into the lounge room with the air conditioner and he slept better. But ever since he has NOT wanted to go to bed. He will sleep until you put him down. And then CRY! Not just a cute little whimper... but SCREAM CRY. Until you pick him up. And he has done this every day this week. We have tried music, a variation on the normal routine, going to bed earlier... nothing seems to work. So I am putting this down to one of two things: either a newly developed separation anxiety or teething. His nap times have also been quite screwy. Not sleeping as long... I am hoping this is just a phase. In any case, I can see 4 bumps where teeth are growing. They haven't popped out yet, but it looks like he might get the top ones before the bottom ones. We'll see.
And it has been extraordinarily hot here. Sticky, nasty hot. And it doesn't cool down at night. YUCK!
David took the week off to spend with us. He came to GymbaROO on Monday. He was so funny doing the dances and games. The three of us really enjoyed ourselves. The theme was Butterfly, but I didn't have anything butterfly at home so I took Jackson's bee.... It was a bee-terfly. Hey. What did you want me to do?
On Tuesday, David came to swimming lessons with us. He was SO impressed at how well Jackson was doing with it! He also took a multitude of pictures. (I am not posting them all here...)
Here is Jackson floating on his back BY HIMSELF!

Here is Jackson swimming to his teacher, Miss Paula. Have I mentioned how much he LOVES Miss Paula?

And here he is hanging onto the wall ALL BY HIMSELF!

On Tuesday night David and I had a date night and Mel stayed with Jackson. We went to a Thai restaurant and then went to see "2012". We both thoroughly enjoyed the couple time! Thanks Mel!
There has been lots of scootching this week. Jackson has figured out how to roll over and then scootch... so placing him on his back is no longer safe. It's all fair game. He is so clever and quick. And can even take corners. The only catch is it is all done going backwards!
Saturday we caught up with our friends the Keats for a spontaneous lunch at LoneStar. When I was pregnant, the moment we stepped into the restaurant and Jackson heard the country music he used to kick kick kick! And he seemed to enjoy himself outside of my belly, too! He loved hanging out with Julian. He even sat in a high chair and chewed on his teething rusk while the grown ups ate.

I managed to get some giggles on video this week. His little laugh is so contagious!
This week in the food arena we tried mango. It was a bit too tart for him, but he gave it a go. He also has been trying some finger foods - banana chunks and toast.
We leave tomorrow morning! We're all packed and ready to go. We're giving daddy lots of hugs and kisses to make up for an entire month without seeing him. I am full of mixed emotions: excited, nervous, happy, and sad. I am hoping Jackson does ok on the airplane and we are able to get back into a routine quickly.
Over and out for the last blog from Kerr St. See ya soon!!
And we love you and will miss you, Daddy!
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