Yay for week 28!
What did we do this week?
Well, we went to GymbaROO on Monday. We learned all about horses.
We went to swimming lessons on Tuesday and went under water 5 times and only cried about it once!
We played the piano...
concentrating on getting all the notes just right...
and being quite please with ourselves because of it!
We invited the Keats over for dinner and board games. Julian and Jackson played on the mat... they are starting to really interact with each other.

We went shopping for groceries and sat in the big boy seat!

But it didn't last for long because we also tried to eat the shopping cart and Mommy was too scared of germs.
Speaking of eating, I am sure Jackson is allergic to oatmeal. I reintroduced it Friday morning resulting in a fitful afternoon nap (move move move fart, move move move fart...), 2 messy diapers and a runny nose the next morning. Next I will try him on Barley to see if it is gluten he might be sensitive to or just oats. In any case, we have been enjoying a variety of fruits and veggies this week our new favorite being apples. AND much to the dismay of Nana, Jackson will eat peas... as long as they are mixed with pears and sweet potatoes.

Next week we will be trying pumpkin! I am excited to have FINALLY received my "Super Baby Foods" book and am devouring it to get baby recipe ideas.
We called Bapa to celebrate his birthday. Happy Birthday, Bapa!!
Jackson has been giggling lots this week. It is the smallest things that set him off... blowing raspberries on his feet, hanging upside down, bouncing in his Exersaucer... the sound of his laughter is the most glorious thing! In addition, he has been talking A LOT. He gives hugs, too. Speaking of... the little man has just woken up from his nap and is talking up a storm.
It's the same routine this week: GymbaROO on Monday (theme: bell) and swimming lessons on Tuesday. On Sunday we are going to the baby markets with the Keats family.
We leave in 21 days! Can't wait to see everyone back home!!
I somehow managed to not get anything in video this week. In the meantime, I'll conclude this posting with a self portrait of Jackson and I taking a nap. It's a precious time of day for both of us.

Love you all!
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