Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sick As A Dog

The big news this week is that the Inside Baby could be older than we originally thought. I have felt "further along" than what I am supposed to be for a while now. I asked my doctor and he said I was measuring 2 weeks ahead. Not necessarily a concern. But he did schedule an ultrasound for Oct 27 to check out why. It could be this is just a bigger baby; it could be I didn't fully recover from my first pregnancy and my muscles just knew where to go; I could have too much amniotic fluid; my dates could be wrong... any multitude of reasons. The good news is I do not have gestational diabetes so we can rule out that complication! Otherwise the baby and I are healthy. I am feeling pretty good. Still lots of heartburn. I can still sleep on both side and my back without feeling like I am sufficating. The baby is kicking me in all locations - mainly in my right rib cage and left hip. And he had his first bout of hiccups this past week. What do you think? Here a current belly shot... 29 weeks... or is it 31?

Now for the outside baby... he spent most of the week sick. It started out as a barking kind of cough. I thought he had the croup (and I still do). He never had a fever more than 100.4F (38C). Then the cough quickly turned into a congestive chest cough with a runny nose. It culminated in a really gross vomiting episode after dinner Saturday night. Over the weekend, all he wanted to do was snuggle and sleep...and drink Grape Gatorade...

Sunday afternoon he started feeling better and Monday at daycare he was still a bit off, but better. Yesterday he was back to his normal self - appetite back and he even enjoyed corn fritters at the Fall Festival (pictures to come next blog).

On September 25 B.S. (before sickness), we walked the 5K Race For The Cure. It was a beautiful day for the walk and I was able to celebrate/remember 4 ladies whose lives have been affected by Breast Cancer. I wish I could do more.

Clearly Myles was happier before the race than afterwards.

Jackson loves to play with his blocks. He has figured out how the shapes go in, but he doesn't like to use the box to catch them... just the lid.

We've also been shooting hoops. He knows what to do...and tries hard. He's going to be good one day...just like his daddy :)

We got a new umbrella stroller for convenience. Jackson loves to push Elmo around in the new stroller.

Jackson is turning into quite the little character. He is so smart and funny. He does something new every day. He gives hugs and kisses, and is a very gentle little boy. I sincerely enjoy his company. He makes me laugh and is pretty good at communicating with his limited vocabulary (that is growing every day). I feel like the luckiest mother in the world.

Who can't resist this face?

Or this one?

In other news, I went to Babies R Us to register for Inside Baby. I didn't get to do that with Jackson. I had so much fun using the little barcode scanner. It was so hard not to shop for Jackson as well, but luckily I had my sister there to keep me on task. I officially registered for some BumGenius 4.0 Cloth Diapers. I am excited about our decision to cloth diaper.

That's all for now! Have a good week and, if you're in Evansville, Happy Fall Festival!

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