Saturday, July 25, 2009

I'm Bringing Sexy Back....YEH!

Happy 3 Month Birthday! Our 13th week/beginning of the 3rd Month was certainly a happy and exciting one. His measurements as of this afternoon are 5.3kg (11.5lbs) and 65cm (25.5in).
On Tuesday Jackson rolled over from his tummy to his back! He did it 3 times and David and I were cheering him on like complete goobers. On his 4th attempt he couldn't quite coordinate it all and frustrated himself trying to do it again. And he hasn't been able to do it since (or he just doesn't want to). I didn't catch it on film, but I was a proud mommy!

He has become increasingly more interested in what David and I put in our mouths... he watches us eat and smiles at us. He is no longer content sitting in his bouncer while we eat...he would prefer to be up at table level to see the action. I guess we'll be getting a high chair soon! And he has taken to holding my spoon! All signs that solid food (by that I mean really mushy pureed fruit and veg) is in the near future.

He is still talking and singing and smiling heaps. On Saturday David and I had a much needed date night and Jackson's babysitter Mel came over to look after him for a couple of hours. This is only the 2nd time we both have left him in the care of someone else (the first was with my parents) without us being home. When we got home he was SOBBING!! I have never seen him so upset. I called after the movie and he was doing fine. But I guess that last half hour was a tough one. As soon as we got home and he saw us, he calmed down. I don't like that he cried a lot, but it is nice that he missed us :)

We aren't certain what color his eyes will be...some days they look blue, some days they look grey.

Just a cute little video this week. We were having some fun this morning and Jackson (with some help from David) got his groove on...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Hold Your Head High

12 Weeks gone! I can't believe it! My little boy will be three months old tomorrow. The end of the 4th Trimester. How fast was that! I don't remember being pregnant at all (which could possibly explain why I suddenly have decided that I want another one... or three). I can't remember the last time I was bored...
He is getting so much more aware... talking and playing with his favorite toys - his hands! He makes the best faces and continuously makes David and I laugh. We are amazed with his little personality. He continues to be easy going and good humored. We have settled into a nice routine this week...
He goes to bed at 9:30
He wakes up around 7:00
He then has a feed and snuggles and plays until around 9:30 (he sits in the bathroom with me as I take my shower and get ready, and we sing sing sing... he likes to sing Janis Joplin and Somewhere Over The Rainbow. He sings right along with me. He has such a sweet voice).
He usually has another meal and then has his morning nap (usually in the carrier attached to my front) until 11:30
He is awake until 1:00 or so. During his awake time we play and he eats again.
Then we take a nap together until 3ish.
He has another feed and is awake until 5:00.
The last nap of the day lasts till between 6:00 and 6:30.
He has a feed and plays until his bath at 8:30.
His bedtime routine is bath, boob, bed and usually takes about an hour. We sing I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing while David fills up the tub. He loves that song! And he loves it when his daddy gives him a bath!
He goes to bed at 9:30 sometimes awake and sometimes conked out, but we very very rarely have to go back into his room to settle him.

Tummy Time has proved to be working. We have some spectacular head holding up... still no rolls yet, but we're really close.

This week Jackson started to discover that he could make the toys on his boppy move. And he likes to talk to them (and everything else).

Thursday, July 16, 2009


A quick mid-week post to show off Jackson's first photography session. These were taken by Sally at Pixifoto in Glendale on the 24th June. Sally was brilliant. My mom and dad were here to join us. It didn't go without it's dramas... Jackson slept through the group pictures, but as soon as he went solo the tears started. So we left and came back later that afternoon. He was asleep again, but I was happy with asleep. He did wake up for a couple of shots. And of course I wanted the naked baby shot. But the inevitable happened when we took off his diaper...he peed all over everything. Oops. We were very happy with the way the pictures turned out and the gals over at Pixifoto are wonderful. Click on the photo below to see all 9 photos that we chose.
Jackson - 2 Month Photos

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Brother, My Brother

11 Weeks is gone and we are doing great! Jackson has been smiling and talking so much. He is the sweetest little boy. I think he says hello... it sounds a little like "eh-oh". We also spent an evening singing "I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing"... we'd sing a line and then he would sing back to us. We think he is on the verge of rolling over. He gets so close and David and I probably look like goofballs cheering him on. And I have noticed that when he is about to achieve a milestone he cluster feeds in the evenings and generally wants to feed more frequently. After nearly 3 weeks of sleeping through the night he has starting waking up for a 4am feed the past week.

RRRAAARRR! I'm a scary bear!

This week Jackson also met his big brother Jonathan who was visiting from Queensland.

David was so happy to have both of his boys with him.

Jackson has also been swatting and hitting his toys in his bouncer. It entertains him for hours!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

10 Weeks Old! We can't believe 10 weeks is nearly gone! It has been a great week. Jackson is still sleeping through the night, waking up about 6:30 and going back to sleep after a feed till around 8:30. A couple of nights this week we had marathon eating sessions as the little man decided to have a growth spurt. Well, I think he does that when he is about to achieve a milestone, which he did. Jackson has found his hands! He doesn't always get them to go where he wants them, but he enjoys sucking on them and trying to reach his toys. We have also had lots and lots of smiles. This week, Jackson enjoyed watching Baby Einstein (and Rugby League as it turns out), sucking on his fists, and playing with his caterpillar rattle. And much to mommy's surprise and delight this morning held on to her star stickers! Jackson also spent lots of time playing with daddy! He LOVES playing with daddy! It makes him happy (and tired). As we were eating dinner last night we witnessed Jackson in his bouncer accurately grabbing at and hitting his toys! It was amazing and we were so proud!