Tuesday, November 15, 2011

You Are My Sunshine

11 Months Old.

So sweet.

Samuel likes bathes and getting his teeth brushed (of which there are 4).

He pulls up.

All the time.

And occasionally takes a face plant while crawling over things.

Samuel is a jokester. He will bite down on his spoon while I'm feeding him.

And he likes to pretend to turn over during his diaper changes. He will just giggle...

He is a very extremely picky eater. His favorite food is muffins. He still nurses 5 times a day. We are working on using a sippy cup independently. 

Samuel's favorite toys are trucks, cars, any vehicle that rolls. His favorite things to do are drive trucks and throw things. He also likes to carry around his bat.

He melts my heart with his blue eyes and sweet smile.

He waves bye-bye and gives (slobbery) kisses.

And he points that little finger. I love little pointing fingers.

Samuel Wrye, I love every minute of my existence with you. I can't believe you will be 1 in a month. You are my sunshine.

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