Monday, December 19, 2011

Who's My Pretty Baby

Samuel's 1 year stats and milestone list:

Height: 29 inches (18th %)
Weight: 20 lbs 14 oz (42nd %)
He is wearing 12 month clothes and size 2 shoes.
He's leaning up. Where'd all that baby fat go?

He is a very picky eater. He likes anything that even looks like a carb (pasta, potatoes, muffins, waffles, puffs, corn grain snacks, crackers...). But give him a fruit or vegetable and he cries. I'm working on him (or shall I say Brandy, the Baby Whisperer, is working on him). He still nurses 5 times a day.

Samuel moves around quickly. He crawls, pulls up, climbs, and is starting to cruise a little.

He appears to enjoy most music. He loves to pull up on the piano and play it.
And he really stopped and listened to the handbells at my parents' Christmas program.

But his favorite toy in all the world is trucks. He likes to make them drive all around. From big trucks all the way down to little matchbox cars, the child loves vehicles.

 Samuel loves bathtime. If you say "splash", he splashes with both hands and a big smile. He also loves to have his teeth brushed (all 5 of them - yes, we got a 5th tooth on the 14th).

As far as speaking goes, the boy is a chatterbox. But only he can understand what he is saying. He typically says "nananananana" when he is upset, and "dadadadadadadada" when he is happy. He does say "Jackson" consistently, "mama" sometimes, and I swear I heard him say "All Done" once.

Sleep habits are FINALLY good. He takes two (sometimes one) naps a day totaling 3-4 hours, and sleeps through the night (generally 7:45pm - 7:30am). He does not like to be held while sleeping; he would much rather go to sleep on his own. He finally gets to use a blanket of his own, and I put him to sleep with a pacifier though he uses it as a teething tool rather than something to suck on.

Samuel is such a sweet little guy. He smiles with his whole face, and giggles a lot. He is a Mama's Boy though, and doesn't like it when I get too far out of sight. He points his little finger and gives me big opened mouth slobbery kisses. I cannot imagine my life without this beautiful blonde haired, blue eyed boy.

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