Sunday, November 2, 2008

Break Me Off A Piece Of That...

Week picture. I pretty much look the same as I did last week. I finally bought 2 pair of maternity pants. They are SO comfy!! I had to go to the dentist last week also as I woke up with a horrific toothache. Luckily all they needed to do was fill it (and they filled two others while I was there). It took 3 shots to get me numb and I STILL could fill them drilling. Hypersensitivity... To comfort myself afterwards, I bought a maternity pillow. Bean seems to be doing well. Although I stand sister points out that we are no longer dealing with a bean, but a kit kat, so the name should be changed. SO...Kit Kat is an active one. I was listening to the heartbeat yesterday and it was just moving all over the place. And for the past couple of nights I have felt weird fluttering sensations in my belly. I think it could be Kit Kat...certainly doesn't feel like anything I've experienced before.

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